#!/bin/sh # Save the current working directory DIR=$(pwd) SCRIPTS_DIR="$DIR/scripts" # Go to the home directory cd ~ # Begin Symlinks echo "Linking dotfiles..." LINKS='zshrc gitconfig gitconfig_work gitignore_global npmrc hushlogin' echo for L in $LINKS; do # check if the LINK exists, back up the existing version if [[ -e ".$L" ]]; then echo "Backing up .$L" mv ".$L" ".$L.backup" fi echo "Linking .$L" ln -s "$DIR/$L" ".$L" done echo echo "Done linking dotfiles." # End Symlinks # Check if the "scripts" directory exists if [ ! -d "$SCRIPTS_DIR" ]; then echo "Error: The 'scripts' directory does not exist." exit 1 fi # List of scripts to be executed (replace these with your script names) SCRIPTS=("set-mac-defaults.sh" "install-homebrew.sh" "install-oh-my-zsh.sh" "install-volta.sh") # Change the working directory to the "scripts" directory cd "$SCRIPTS_DIR" || exit 1 # Iterate over the scripts and execute them for script in "${SCRIPTS[@]}"; do # Check if the script file exists if [ ! -f "$script" ]; then echo "Warning: Script '$script' not found in the 'scripts' directory." continue fi # Execute the script echo "Executing '$script'..." chmod +x "$script" # Ensure the script is executable "./$script" # Execute the script echo "Finished executing '$script'." done # Return to the original directory (optional) cd - > /dev/null echo "new Compooper successful! :)"