module Ex25 # This function will break up words for us. def self.break_words(stuff) stuff.split(" ") end # Sorts the words. def self.sort_words(words) words.sort end def self.print_first_word(words) word = words.shift puts word end # Prints the last word after popping it off. def self.print_last_word(words) word = words.pop puts word end # Takes in a full sentence and returns the sorted words. def self.sort_sentence(sentence) words = Ex25.break_words(sentence) Ex25.sort_words(words) end # Prints the first and last words of the sentence. def self.print_first_and_last(sentence) words = Ex25.break_words(sentence) Ex25.print_first_word(words) Ex25.print_last_word(words) end # Sorts the words then prints the first and last one. def self.print_first_and_last_sorted(sentence) words = Ex25.sort_sentence(sentence) Ex25.print_first_word(words) Ex25.print_last_word(words) end end