
731 B

new Compooper



The above script does the following:

  1. Symlinks dotfiles to the home directory ~/
  2. Sets macOS defaults like Dark mode, pink highlight colours and natural scrolling
  3. Installs Homebrew, a few packages and Applications
  4. Installs Oh My Zsh
  5. Installs Volta

Post installation

  • Set gitconfig_work to your work email address

  • Set up .ssh/config to use 1Password SSH Keys

  • Provide authToken for work npm registry in .npmrc

  • Move everything in .zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh to .zshrc

  • Login into VS Code to sync extensions

  • Login into 1Password to sync vaults

  • Login to 1Password CLI to sync SSH keys

Programs requiring manual installation

  • Session