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Ruby Starter

A super simple Ruby starter project.

Rubocop and Solargraph are included for linting and code completion, respectively and are configured to be used with Zed.



  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies: bundle install
  3. Write awesome code

Usage with Zed

Zed is a rough-around-the-edges editor in Beta. It's not very configurable yet, so we're locked into using Solargraph as our language server. Solargraph is only officially compatible with Rubocop (ACAB) for linting, but we use our ruleset of choice, StandardRB by configuring it in .rubocop.yml.

For now, make sure that StandardRB is installed globally, as Zed can't yet reach into your local Gem's, as far as we are aware.

Solargraph is configured in .solargraph.yml to use robocop, but to enable inline diagnostics and formatting on save you must add the following to your Zed settings.json:

	"lsp": {
		"solargraph": {
			"initialization_options": {
				"diagnostics": true,
				"formatting": true,


If you'd like to generate some user-friendly documentation, you can run rake rdoc on the command line to generate some HTML docs in the rdoc directory, made up of your comments and some metadata from your code.


An example unit test is included in test/example_test.rb. You can run the tests with rake test.